Flatpack Festival
Film for all the senses

Flatpicks 2018: Lucy Hill

Monday 9th April, 2018

Our ever so lovely Project Assistant Lucy tells us what's what in the Flatpack 12 programme...

A Man of Integrity

Dir: Mohammad Rasoulof. Iran 2017, 120 mins.

I'm fascinated by Iranian culture and contemporary Middle Eastern politics and society, so this film is right up my street. This is a powerful and daring film which addresses morality, corruption, injustice and oppression - definitely not for the faint-hearted.

Tickets are available here.

The Taste of Cement

Dir: Ziad Kalthoum. Germany / Lebanon / Syria 2017, 85 mins.

I can't wait to see this documentary at The Electric. Ziad Kalthoum's award-winning film explores the lives of Syrian construction workers in Lebanon whose homeland continues to be destroyed while they spend their days rebuilding Beirut. It's a touching and haunting must-see.

Tickets are availablehere.


Dir: Jeff Malmberg, Chris Shellen. US 2017, 91 mins.

This is a poignant and intelligent documentary which succeeds in shining a light on a tiny but spectacularly creative Italian community. Every summer, Monticchiello's residents get together to develop a play in which they portray themselves, in a bid to preserve cultural traditions and resolve social issues.

This screening will be followed by Bearwood Pantry who have built a community through a love of food and will offer up their pay what you feel, pot-luck [late] lunch that celebrates sharing the one thing we all have in common.

For tickets to this documentary and meal, click here.

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