More Than A Moment
In September 2020, the West Midlands arts sector launched the #MoreThanAMoment pledge for radical, bold and immediate action, to dismantle systems that have for too long kept Black artists and creatives from achieving their potential in the arts and creative industries.
Organisations who sign up to the pledge proudly and wholeheartedly commit to ensuring equity, investment in, and opportunities with and for Black artists and creatives within their organisation’s culture and work, and in doing so, becoming the change we all need to see.
It was a privilege to take part in the process, and Flatpack have signed up to the pledge, and are committed to the listening and work which will be required to achieve genuine change.
We want to thank the MTAM working group for all the work they've done in pulling this together, and in particular all those Black creatives whose honesty and emotional labour helped to shape the Radically Listening research.
Find out more about the #MoreThanAMoment pledge on Culture Central’s website.
You can also read more about what we’ve been working on over on the blog.
And take a look at our Action Plan priorities for 2022-23 at the link below.
Page last updated 23 June 2022.