A few loose ends (arf)
Before we pack our bags for Knitflicks, here are a couple of other knitting-related things that we've come across recently...
Hyperbolic Crochet Coral Reef (picture above from the Institute for Figuring) - on show at the Southbank in London until 17th August. Crocheting apparently enables you to create forms impossible in 3-D rendering, and the crafts corner of high mathematics is the place to be at the moment;
Knitting at the movies - if you can't make it out of the house this weekend, Angel Hair's exhaustive list may give you some ideas on films to rent;
Wool 100% - the debut feature by Japanese filmmaker Mai Tominaga, this tale of a feral girl who knits obsessively is perhaps a little too full-on for Compton Verney. The trailer is worth a look though;
And finally, myself and Mrs 7inch will be playing some records at the next gathering of Stitches and Hos in the Hare and Hounds, Kings Heath on Tuesday 29th July. Come and ask for some speed garage, I dare you.