Baron Mordant's Shopping List
This is the list sent to me by Mordant Music of things they'll need to construct Nesst 2, a WWII style pill box which will house the projector showing MisinforMation,their re-edits of public information films from the 1970s. The films have been treated to a new soundtrack of ambient electro music which is strangely affecting, alongside images of laser printers printing 'EGG' onto eggs, magpies robbing houses and kids sniffing glue. It makes you wonder how many budding art house film makers were bidding their time making public service information films during the 1970s.
Nesst 2 will be found in Zellig, the new wing of the Custard Factory. It opens on Thursday 24 March (17.30 - 19.00) and is then open 12.00 - 18.00 Friday 25 - Sunday 27 March.
Apologies are also due. We seem to have caused a shortage of pillow cases and double duvet covers in charity shops in the Birmingham area...