Flatpack dossier
In my experience the week following a festival tends to involve lots of sleeping, eating, clearing up, looking for things that have got lost, paying bills and gazing into space. There's also a fair bit of googling for festival writeups. Although this is mainly narcissism, it's also curiosity about what kind of festival experience people had while we were running around town shunting gear and barking into phones. Gathered here are some of the results of our self-googling...
A writeup of the Odeon bus tour from the Guardian, and an overview of Takashi Ito's work by the same writer;
MarBelle reported from 'the heart of the Black Country' for Directors Notes;
Dazed Digital were there on Friday and Saturday;
Jotta jotted a nice summary of Unpacked, Synth Eastwood and Eastside;
Little White Lies were there on Friday;
Digbeth is Good had some Flatpack fun;
We think Shots liked it too, but unfortunately most of their review is hiding behind a pay-wall;
Film4 liked the shorts but weren't feeling the jazz;
Über Brum was on the prowl at Synth Eastwood, Plasticine Party and Belbury Youth Club;
Birmingham Jazz were there on opening night;
Khen came down for Until The Light Takes Us and Down Terrace;
and Andy Maiden had a day out at the library.
Finally, a few of our favourite tweets:
"Sunrise was simply delightful, a lovely thing to remember for years to come. I left feeling all warm and charmed inside." @tombelte
"Took me a while, but I've managed to convince my wife that @flatpack Festival is *not* an Ikea Expo..." @saeedmsadiq
"Cinematic dreams in Brum: trannies teetered downstairs, film projectors whirred, magic fingers mysteriously traced words on a page" @thederminator
"Recovering from 5 days of visual over stimulation @flatpack, amazing weekend, can't wait for next year." @gabba
There's plenty of other festival coverage in the press section.
The Guardian have followed up with a more general piece about Digbeth;
Electric Sheep saw a lot of shorts;
the bright light! mogwai blog discovered Birmingham's love of soul;
Phantom Circuit interviewed Moon Wiring Club;
Chris from Brumcast interviewed Stuart Braithwaite (Mogwai);
Phantom Circuit also did a Ghost Box special;
Synth Eastwood posted a recording of their Friday night A/V set;
and Clare Heart has given her own comprehensive run-down.
Modulate set on Sound Cloud;
Two writeups from the Warwick Boar, and an interview.