Kickstarter: We need your help!
With the Spring drawing closer festival preparations are getting well underway, and this year we’re hoping you guys can help us out with our Kickstarter campaign!
Each year we host the Festival Palais- the beating heart of Flatpack, a place where festival-goers, filmmakers and industry guests alike can meet, relax and catch a film. However, it’s far from just a screening space; last year’s events alone ranged from an OHP Draw-Off, a magic lantern show, Brooklyn psych-rockers White Hills, and a multi-artform tag-team retelling of Citizen Kane. Very far from just a screening space! In the past this hub has found its home in an old dance studio, a gallery space, and a warehouse. In 2013 it will be in the lovely nineteenth century building which once housed the Deritend Free Library, now part of Digbeth’s Custard Factory complex just south of Birmingham city centre.
We want to keep this hub free for our festival go-ers, but to do this we need your support. It’s not cheap to put together this eclectic and exciting amalgamation of cafe, venue, bar and screen space... but if anyone can pull it off- it’s Flatpack Festival. The Kickstarter money will be used to pay for technical equipment, seating, signage, and most excitingly all the great things that we’re hoping to put on in the building during the festival: from short film programmes to live bands to psychedelic poster shows.
Supporting us won’t just leave you with that warm, fuzzy feeling (although it will definitely do that too) as we have an impressive array of rewards on offer for each pledge made. So help be a part of making Flatpack’s big dreams a reality by backing us, and then, of course, head down in March to see the fabulous Palais that you helped to launch!
To get involved please click the link here: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/640215839/flatpack-palais
You will find out more about Flatpack Festival’s 2013 Palais and please spread the word!