Flatpack Festival
Film for all the senses

Kickstarter Update!

Monday 7th January, 2013

With a new year brings a new update to our Festival Palais Kickstarter campaign!


For those of you not yet in the know our campaign is to raise £7,000 to fund our Festival Palais- the beating heart of Flatpack Festival.


With 25 days left new plans have been released on how the Deritend  Free Library, in Digbeth’s Custard Factory, will be transformed during the festival. With thanks to Co.Lab, a division of the Birmingham School of Architecture.


As well as this being a chance to get involved with the festival we also have a wide range of rewards on offer to really make it worth your while. So if you've got Christmas money burning a hole in your pocket or you’re just looking for a New Years treat  this could be the perfect opportunity- whilst also showing us your support! Our rewards include unlimited 10 day festival passes, Nicholas Rawling prints and stereoscopical viewmaster devices.


To find out more about the Festival Palais and our rewards go to our kickstarter campaign by clicking here:  http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/640215839/flatpack-palais


To check out more of the new plans and pictures go to the updates page on our kickstarter campaign by clicking here:  http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/640215839/flatpack-palais/posts


Thank you so much for all of you who have supported us so far!

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