Oliver Laric
Another of our featured Flummoxed artists, Oliver Laric is based in Berlin and makes consistently interesting and often funny short films that pillage selectively from the web and veer all over the place in style and approach. The stills above are from 50 50, which cuts together fifty different youtube covers of 50 Cent, and (>'.')>=O_l*O=<('.'<), an emoticon animation in the style of ASCII porn. Other recent pieces include Webchat with Andy (a conversation with Andy Warhol via an Australian psychic), La Mano Izquierda (in which the whole world seems to revolve around Hugo Chavez's hand) and a project called Songs Translated to Buildings. You can watch all of this on Oliver's site, and some of it at Flummoxed tomorrow. Below is a little greenscreen film he made of himself dancing.