Paper Cinema
I've just left my very first screening of 'The Travelling Picture Show' - a weekend of family matinees at the Electric. The cinema was packed with a sea of children (and a fair few adults!), squeezing into seats for illustrator Nic Rawling's magnificent Paper Cinema. I, for one, had been waiting to see his show for some time now and, settling down in the auditorium to the strains of A-Ha with a box of chocolates, I wasn't disappointed! Accompanied by live violin and guitar music, Paper Cinema provided an awe-inspiringly beautiful spectacle.
Paper cut-outs (amusingly made from old cereal packets!) were moved in front of a live video camera. The story centred on a boy (think Quentin Blake crossed with Saint-Exupéry) as he cycled alongside a steam train, desperate to rescue a girl on board, trapped inside a bird cage. The dream-like quality of the story added extra magic to the amazing puppetry.
After Paper Cinema, the children in the audience were completely enthralled by Lamorisse's stunning 1956 film, The Red Balloon. There was lots of laughter as the balloon taunted Pascal's headmaster and lots of worried faces as the balloon was chased through the streets. I think quite a few of the adults were wiping away a tear at the end too!
Well, enough from me for now, I'm off to check out Knitflicks. More soon!