PechaKucha 2020 Vision
PechaKucha is the international presentation evening where speakers have just 20 slides and 20 seconds per slide to get their points across. Naturally, 2020 is a big year in the PechaKucha world...
We teamed up with PechaKucha's Birmingham branch a few years ago for Flatpack no.10, and had so much fun that we're inviting them back...
Get Involved
PechaKucha are looking for presenters who are keen to share their ideas, obsessions and stories. Inspired by our '2020 Vision' programme, the theme is VISION and can be interpreted as creatively as you like - telescope collections, Sherlock Holmes-like powers of observation, Angelic visitations or Utopian dreams of a future Birmingham... surprise us!
If you want some inspiration, take a look at the presentations from our last event on the PechaKucha website.
The event takes place on Sunday 10 May at 3.30pm. Send all ideas or enquiries to Ben Waddington by Sunday 19 April.