Flatpack Festival
Film for all the senses


Ian Francis
Wednesday 14th March, 2012 Posted by Ian Francis

It's all kicking off! After a leisurely lunch in the Flatpack Palais (thanks to the excellent Milan on Stoney Lane), the festival team have scattered across the city in preparation for five days of cinematic mayhem. With about 90 events and screenings jammed in, the chances are something in there will amuse you - and plenty of it is free so there's plenty of opportunity for dipping and browsing.

Tonight's opening is shaping to be another very special launch, with a masses of Flatpackers descending on Birmingham Cathedral for an evening of silent comedy hosted by pianist Neil Brand. Presales have finished now, but if you show up at the venue around 8 there should be tickets on sale still. (Cash only!) And also keep in mind that Sugarfoot Stomp will top off the evening with vintage knees-up tunes at the Jekyll and Hyde until midnight (contrary to the brochure, this event is free).

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