Featuring a renowned group of artists including Heather Phillipson, Rosie Carr, Adham Faramawy and Turner Prize-winners Gillian Wearing and Mark Leckey, this programme of short films explores our current state of hyper-connectivity, 30 years since the advent of the World Wide Web.
From a grotesque reimagining of YouTube beauty vlogs to a romantic ode to office stationary, the works deconstruct and reconfigure the detritus of digital culture using collage, appropriation and absurd humour. ‘Hyperlinked’ is curated by Film London Artists’ Moving Image Network (FLAMIN), an artists’ film commissioning department who run the annual Film London Jarman Award, which has celebrated the UK’s most innovative artist filmmakers since 2008.
Dream English Kid 1964-1999 AD
Dir: Mark Leckey
(UK 2016, 24 mins)
The Photocopier who fell in love with Me
Dir: Rosie Carr
(UK 2014, 4 mins)
Dir: Heather Phillipson
(UK 2017, 7 mins)
Your Views (part one)
Dir: Gillian Wearing
(UK 2013, 3 mins)
Hotel 70°
Dir: Bedwyr Williams
(UK 2014, 16 mins)
Make Up Tutorial
Dir: Adham Faramawy
(UK 2018, 3 mins)
Sitting in Darkness
Dir: Graeme Arnfield
(UK 2015, 15 mins)
Total running time: 72 mins
Although there will be tickets available on the door, we advise booking to guarantee entry.
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