The Boy and the Beast
Stumbling through Tokyo’s Shibuya district, nine year-old runaway Ren discovers a portal which leads to Jutengai, a parallel realm populated by all manner of strange, semi-human creatures.
Dir: Mamoru Hosoda Japan 2015, 120 mins Cert: 12A* - recommended for ages 10+
Stumbling through Tokyo’s Shibuya district, nine year-old runaway Ren discovers a portal which leads to Jutengai, a parallel realm populated by all manner of strange, semi-human creatures. Adopted by samurai bear Kumatetsu, the boy quickly finds himself estranged from the world he has left behind. Full of epic battles and inventive details, this spectacular anime fantasy confirms Mamoru Hosoda (Summer Wars, Wolf Children) as the brightest talent working in Japan today.
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