The Keystone Cut Ups
Kaleidoscopic journey through slapstick and surrealism, navigated by two collage connoisseurs.
There are strong affinities between slapstick comedy and surrealist film, and we’ve already combined the two in one programme (see Digging for Gold). Tonight they’ll be waltzing and pirhouetting across the screen together, choregraphed by two noted collage connoisseurs.
People Like Us and Ergo Phizmiz have been regular collaborators for some time, and when commissioned by Berwick Media Arts & Film Festival last year the result was The Keystone Cut Ups; a kaleidoscopic split-screen voyage through silent cinema which combines celluloid moments both familiar and uncanny with an original score performed live in the auditorium. Striding purposefully into its second century, the Electric Cinema should provide the perfect setting.
More background and clips at
Please note: tickets for this event are £6 (no concessions) - not £6.50/£4.50 as stated in the brochure.
With: People Like Us & Ergo Phizmiz
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