Battery-powered cinema
Getting together with friends and family to watch a film picnic-style in your local park is one of the best ways to spend a weekend in our book.
The only problem being, if you're showing a film in the great outdoors and you don't have access to a mains power source, you might think the only solution is a costly, heavy diesel generator. No good for us, no good for the planet!
Thankfully, there is another solution, in the form of battery-powered cinema.
All of our outdoor screenings that haven't been powered via mains electric this year have been run on batteries, and it's all upside. Cleaner energy. More cost-effective long term. And the batteries are quieter, easier and safer to transport - plus they are more reliable and less likely to surge. Wins all round.
As the nights draw in and the temperatures drop, we'll be packing away our picnic blankets and shifting our film-viewing inside. But we're already looking ahead to next summer, when there'll be plenty more battery-powered movie magic under the stars at a park near you.
If you're interested in putting on battery-powered screenings in your local park do get in touch with us at info@flatpackfestival.org.uk.