Colour Box at Home
If you’ve been missing our online Colour Box screenings over the last couple of months, fear not, we’ve been working away behind the scenes on something rather special…
From September through to November, we’ll be delivering a new all-singing, all-dancing version of Colour Box online, and it’s called… (drum roll)...
Colour Box at Home!
Why are we doing this now, when venues are starting to open up again? Well, we’re very aware that not everyone is ready to venture back into venues just yet, and for some, venues weren’t somewhere they frequented prior to the pandemic. Whilst we’re really excited to be putting events on in cinemas and other spaces, we’re equally thrilled to be bringing this project into family homes.
But Colour Box at Home is not your average Colour Box. Alongside the usual selection of brilliant short films that we find, we’re making three different activity books to accompany three themed screenings. And that’s not all, with each edition there will be some goodies for kids and their parents/guardians to have fun crafting, making, and playing together.
We’re working with 5 artists per activity book - each of them have been taking inspiration from the films to create various activities and fun tasks for viewers to undertake. The artists for the first couple of editions include One Five West, Shiyi Li, Lightbox Cinema (Laura Kloss & Mat Bartlett), Sarah Taylor-Silverwood, Arabella Simpson, Ben Sadler, Sofia Niazi, Saffa Khan, Lewes Herriot, and Olivia Twist.
It’s been great seeing what they’ve come up with - such fun and interesting ideas. Here’s what Laura and Mat said about the experience…
“We are having so much fun testing out the sound fx and homemade instruments for the zine. Our illustration is going to be a menagerie of sound experiments for you to try at home and we can’t wait to share them!“
Each edition of CB@H has a different theme, with the films and the activities reflecting the themes in a multitude of ways:
September 18/19 - Sound & Music - pretty straightforward this one…sound and music!
October 23/34 - Back to Nature - encouraging a deeper appreciation of the world around us.
November 27/28 - Dare to be Different - a celebration of uniqueness and why it’s so important that we’re not all alike.
You can order your September box right now - or head to our Colour Box at Home page for more info. Tickets are £4 (+ £1 booking fee), however, if you'd like a pack but don't have the means to buy one (for example if you are unemployed, receive universal credit or your child is eligible for pupil premium) please make use of our free packs when booking.
We’re hugely grateful to the support of Arts Council England, Arts Connect, The EH Smith Charitable Trust and The DMF Ellis Charitable Trust for making it all possible.