Flatpack Festival
Film for all the senses

Flatpack 2014 is live!

Tuesday 25th February, 2014

This year we have battled seasonal lurgy and had many a late night in order to get the festival programme to you in record time.

The 2014 programme is now online and on sale. Feast your eyes here. The brochure arrived at Flatpack Towers early yesterday, and will be making its way across Birmingham and the UK over the next few days. In the meantime it can be viewed here.

If you find a typo or a missing link while browsing, please go gentle on us – there’s plenty of opportunity for mistakes when you launch over 100 events at once, and we’ll be polishing and embellishing things over the next few days.

Before we have a lie down with a bottle of Calpol between us, we must say thank yous to Morten, our Programme Assistant, who has been an image-resizing and event-uploading machine for the last couple of weeks; to Dot Dash, for designing our beautiful brochure, Jacob Masters at Gabba for  expert tweaking of the website, the patient Ticket Factory; and to the lovely Sharmans in Peterborough, who printed our brochure.

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