Flatpack Festival
Film for all the senses

Flatpack 2022: Submissions Open!

Monday 18th October, 2021

Submissions for Flatpack no.16 are now open.

We’ve worked with plenty of incredibly talented short filmmakers over the years and seen lots of superb short films, from the heartwarming to the hilarious to the utterly mind-bending - and everything in between! So we’re very excited to once again swing the doors wide open and welcome all types and genres of short and mid-length films.


What can I submit?

Films need to be completed after January 2020 and must be under 20 minutes long for the short film category and between 20-40 minutes for the mid-length category.

How do I submit?

We use the platform Film Freeway - just scroll to the bottom of this page and click the big ol’ Film Freeway button.

Is there a cost?

Submission fees for short films are £15 before 31 December and £20 after, and £20 for mid-length films before 31 December, and £25 after

Are there cash prizes?

Yes indeed! Six in fact - ranging from £300 to £1,000 for the Short Film Award.

When do I need to submit by?

Earlybird deadline is 11:59pm, Friday 31 December 2021 and the final deadline is 11:59pm, Monday 31 January 2022.

Can I see previous winners?

Absolutely - check out all of last year's winners on our blog.

Do you just accept films?

Nope - we’d love for you to get in touch with us about ideas for live audiovisual performances. Check out our submissions page for more information.

Anything else I should know?

We're a BAFTA-qualifying festival, so successful submissions could go on to win a BAFTA.

Feel free to get in touch if you have any other questions, otherwise, head over to Film Freeway and get submitting:

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