Flatpack Festival
Film for all the senses

Saving Smallbrook

Saturday 11th May, 2024

Bethel Presbyterian Church of Wales | 16:00 - 17:30

On 1 February 2024, Birmingham City Council’s planning committee voted 7-4 in favour of demolishing Smallbrook Ringway.

It was the second time in six months they had made this decision, having been forced to reconsider by a legal challenge from the Save Smallbrook campaign group. The slings and arrows of this planning battle have been captured on film by Liverpool’s Doberman Films, in a new documentary called This Is Birmingham which explores the city’s ambivalent relationship with its post-war heritage.

Like the Ringway and the Rotunda, the venue for this premiere (Bethel Presbyterian Church) is one of architect James Roberts’ local landmarks. Following the film and a selection of brutalism-infused shorts, the campaigners will reflect on their experiences and what the future might hold for our built environment.

This is Birmingham
Dir: Elizabeth Short & Stephen Maddox
UK 2004
30 mins
Cert: PG

A limited number of Solidarity tickets (Free) are available for every event at the festival. Head to our FAQs page for more details.

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